Archive for the ‘Fishing’ Category

posted by John on Jun 7

Today was a strange fishing day, we never marked any fish in the sonar. Well, we marked one school, one time. Never found it again. So, all we really did was blind cast towards areas we thought fish might be based onĀ  nature’s hints. The logical choice when not marking fish is to go and try to find fish.

And did we ever find one. A very passive Basking Shark was allowing us to take pictures.
Fullsize video link.
Basking Shark – Happy by Pharrell Williams

posted by John on May 31

The Cape Cod Bay had some fish in it today. We hit one of our favorite UDLs. 10 fish in about 40 minutes. We took our limit today, 4 nice fish. Then we decided to leave fish to go find other fish, never a good idea, but the old fish were getting crowded with boats. We saw lots of fish surfacing and chasing bait, not the lures. We tried top waters, from mambo minnows to poppers. We tried all kinds of jigs. Even the same Hurley Jigs with an 8″ olive/cream GotStryper tail we caught the eight fish with. Nothing in the slack tide.

posted by John on Oct 15

This is the best thing to do when you can’t go fishing. Drinking beer, listening to music, and eating oysters.

It was a big party in Wellfleet.

This was just wrong on so many levels.

So was this.

It always amazes me that carrying my camera draws these attention moths to the flame.

Lots of Dancing.

These guys were hamming it up for the camera.

The place was rocking from 3 to 5 pm

The Rip It Ups were ripping as best they could.

When you can’t go fishing, you should drink beer and dance! Life is too short.