posted by John on Aug 8

I learned two things. One give whales more than 500′. They can be out there and then right up on you. When they just surface to breath that is one thing, when they breach 150′ from you, that is scary. I did not know to be scared at the time I took these pics. I hookup up twice today. I was alone and had trouble boating dinner. I had the first tuna on the side of the boat after 35 minutes, and I was not sure what to do. So I tied up the leader around the cleat, set the rod down, and went fast with both hands on the gaff. Estimate of  40-48″, 50-70lbs. he banged his head against the boat, upon contact the ronzi 3 oz jig popped right out, and the fish traveled back down to Davey Jones Locker. I went back to where I hooked up, and did it again. This time, at the end of the first run, a 30-35′ yellow hulled boat roared right between me and my fish. Once I realized I was on the prop, I opened the bale and let him have 300+ yards of 80 lb braid. I hope he busted a prop seal.

Here are the pics:

150' from the boat

150' from the boat

I felt the whale wake.

Closer Breach

Closer Breach

The whale fascinated me, and then I realized it was two showing off.

The other whale was farther

The other whale was farther

He flew all the way out of the water.

Site of the first hookup

Site of the first hookup

This was a zoo. The fish were 10 to 20 feet down swirling around and pushing bait up. The birds were insane. I tried an 11″ Got stryper and almost snagged a shearwater. I switched to a 10″ bright green ronzi 3x tuna penetrator (8/0 hook). Within two seconds (no time for jigging) I was off to the races. My trevala tc4f 5’6″ spinning rod and the fin-nor 7500 reel worked out great.

Site of second hookup.

Site of second hookup.

After the heartbreak of losing dinner. I found the same school without the birds and with a whale. The second fight lasted about 2 minutes, due to the yellow hulled boat that took out my line. If you even think some one is hookup up give them 600′ and watch with the binoculars.

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