posted by John on Jun 2

If you were where I was today you got a great blitz at the high slack tide, around 12:30pm. Birds were working the scene as usual. Waves in the confluence of the currents were about 4-6ft with a real short period with the winds honking from the NW.

I thought I might hide from the winds before the blitz by cruising around the bar down to the GB (O). Big bass (20 lbs and up) loaded up. There were breaking schools and birds all over. The weird part was they were eating something small, I could not get them to bite any lure. I saw some really small sand eels, but it did not look like that was what was frothing the water to get away. Not a boat in sight, due to snotty conditions no doubt. Is there some smaller bait the size of a cricket?

Any way I put in three hours of every small lure and presentation direction, surface and depth. I had a few pull downs, but with my small lures, the bass spit the bait or I could not set the hook.

It was when I was heading back that I came upon the blitz in the worst waves ever. 14 fish later, 10 bass and 4 blues, and I had dinner for tonight. The best lure was the yellow mambo minnow 7″. The biggest bass was 35″, maybe 20 lbs, and the rest were 30+”. The blues were huge, all over 30″. I think the blues are what bent the hooks on the mambo minnow.

All 9 bass (1 for me) and three blues were released unharmed. One blue had a real bad problem, when released he floated while bleeding out, so I retrieved him with the net to smoke tonight.

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