posted by John on Aug 29

I ran out to the bank today in search of tuna. I found them in 130 feet of water on the bank edge rolling down from 90 feet. They were working the edge and bunched up, but still giving good boomerang reflections. I tossed all colors of jigs at them. They loved the silver the day before, and now nothing. I tried green, yellow, pink, earthworm, and big 9 inch sluggos. I tried throwing metal flashy jigs, I tried trolling past with a jig with plastic, only metal jigs, a large spoon. All I have to show for it is a sunburn, a dogfish rash on my arm, and gnarled up jig heads from the blues. I did catch a nice 8-10 lb blue and about 5 smallers ones.

One good thing is I am collecting places to find tuna. One thing I do not understand. Why would you chatter on the radio that nothing is happening and you are not marking anything, yet you are staying put??! I motored about 15 miles before I found the school I attempted to catch for two hours. I will try again tomorrow and again on Sunday.

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